Learn how we can work together + get your free Discovery Session video:
Are you feeling powerless on your health journey?
First, I'll be sharing how to reclaim your power.
I'm just going to come out and say it: My approach is not the right fit for everyone.
This video is intended to help you decide if I am the right naturopathic doctor for you!
Have you felt limited by your current treatment options?
You will learn what new treatment choices I can give you access to so you can life your best life!
Dr. Tara Guzzo, N.D, R.Ac.
Naturopathic Doctor | Acupuncturist
I am a passionate naturopathic doctor and registered acupuncturist in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada at InVersa Health. I help busy women across Ontario who are tired, stressed and anxious to reclaim calm, confidence and all-day energy.
It's not your fault that your energy is low and you feel more anxious and stressed than you want to. Society has programmed you to deplete yourself and fail to recognize signals for healing.
I'm here to tell you that it's possible to become empowered in your life and make change confidently when you're supported.
Your emotions can become your superpower, instead of a weakness. You can be energized, rather than weighed down by fatigue. Your beliefs, values and purpose can be aligned with wellness. The resilient health and vital life you desire awaits you.
Now is your time.
As the CEO and Clinical Director of InVersa Health, a women's health clinic, I've combined in-person and virtual care.
In 2020, I created and hosted a limited television series on Shaw Spotlight called "Elevating Women's Wellness" in which I interview local regulated female healthcare providers on relevant topics.
My passion for supporting women lead to the creation of the Resilience Reset Program designed to teach emotional self-regulation, build resilience and empower women in the face of depleting daily life stress.
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