Free Stress Relief Kit to Reset Your Resilience

Practical Tools You Can Implement Immediately With Ease

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'Write It Out', a 13-page PDF guide to journaling about stress, overwhelm & burnout. It covers 7 tips for writing out your thoughts, feelings and worries for stress relief. It's a great starting point for a deeper understanding of why you're stressed and how it's impacting you.
For easy implementation, you can download a MP3 audio file of an evidence-based guided stress relief practice narrated to music. Save to your computer or phone for access whenever you want a guided two-minute practice.

A printable PDF copy of with written transcription of the evidence-based stress relief practice instructions to put at your desk, on your bathroom mirror or on your fridge. This visible reminder can help with consistent practice of stress relief.

Dr. Tara Guzzo, N.D, R.Ac.

Naturopathic Doctor | Acupuncturist


As a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I work with tired women who are not satisfied with a life that is just "okay" to help them to rise more resilient.
My decade plus of clinical practice has taught me so much that I love passionately sharing. I'm a dual registered practitioner with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario and the College of Naturopaths of Ontario. My mission has brought me to various audiences as a speaker such as the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors and for the MS Society of Canada.
As the CEO and Clinical Director of InVersa Health, I created the Resilience Reset Program designed to promote calm, confidence and all-day energy in the face of depleting daily life stress. When I'm not with patients, I spend a lot of time connecting with my colleagues as community is important to me. In 2019, they voted me as a finalist for the CEO to Watch category at the Abundance Awards.
Most importantly, I am a wife to a loving husband, a daughter to amazing parents, a proud sister of two caring brothers, an aunt to beautiful nieces and an adorable nephew and the granddaughter of extraordinary role models in heaven. - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions

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